Restoration Process
Stripping & Drying
- Since our main profile is stripped & waxed furniture, we do a lot of stripping. The chipped and faded old paint gets removed, uncovering the natural grain of the wood.
- All stripped furniture then goes through a drying process in our special drying room
Carpentry Work
- Both stripped and un-stripped furniture get a thorough checkup by our higly experienced carpenters. We thrive to preserve as much of the original wood as possible.
- We use old, reclaimed pine for any parts of furniture that needs replacing
- Our carpenters have decades of experience anduse traditional techniques accompanied by modern day tools to provide the best quaility work you will find on the market.
- Every item (exept good condition original paint pieces) go through a sanding phase after the carpentry work is done.
- Small holes and cracks get filled with special wood filler before sanding
- After the wood filler hardens, items are sanded multiple times with different sandpapers to ensure a nice and smooth surface
- Our stripped furniture receive a special wax coating, giving it a beautiful golden brownish color, emphasising the beauty of the natural grainlines of the wood.
- Some pieces receive a fresh coat of paint, usually the ones with old paint that is too thick and cannot be stripped, or also ones not good enough to keep the original paint. After receiving the new coat of paint, we stylishly distress the edges, then it receives a coat of clear wax to give it a beutiful shine and enhance the new color.
- Items that have good condition original finishing will be preserved as is. After the carpentry work, minimal sanding is done where necessary, then a coat of clear wax is applied to enhance the old original paint and colors.
- After waxing/painting, hardware gets installed
- Finally, every item receives polishing with a special brush
Finished Product
- Once the restoration process is completed, these old antique pieces are ready to shine their timeless beauty again in the new ages, waiting to be in use again, and serve their owner a lifetime.